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Happiness is the real rich. Health is the real wealth. Kindness is real cool and peace of mind is the real bag.

  There was a time in my life where I got caught up in a lie. - I was constantly out there chasing the wrong things. - I thought I was a big shot. Millionaire, driving a dope car, blowing money on booze and bottles at the club on the weekends. - Then the economic crash of 08’ knocked me flat on my back. - I lost everything. My cars, my wife of the time, my home went into foreclosure and there I was alone, in a hotel room, wondering how I’d managed to lose everything. - It was in those moments I began to realize what was most important to me. - Things that I’d known all along but had ignored because I was enticed to look and feel a certain way. - I’d put my faith in things that were material, things that will rot and age. - It was in those moments I knew there truth. That happiness was what I was after. True, lasting happiness. - In those moments I felt the real stresses of losing my family, not being able to provide for my daughter with one on the way. - I would trade all of the money
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There are times for friendships and support and there are times to be alone.

Like the Bible says, “There’s a time for everything.” - Theres something to be said for solitude. - Being alone can be some of the most transforming experiences of your life. - You walk into that quiet dark room, alone, full of stress, worries, anger and any other negative emotions and you walk out with a quiet heart, clarity and a new sense of direction. - Call it what you will, meditation, prayer, time to think. - At the end of the day, you just can’t accomplish what you want, through the noise of this world. - There will be times where you need to be alone, still, silent, listening to your God, your heart and intuition. - There you will receive true revelations and breakthroughs. - Does this mean that your work stops and is replaced? Of course not. - Stillness is not a replacement for work, its just an additive.

Lessons in life will be repeated until they are learned

Most people grow up fearing mistake because it makes them look dumb and feel stupid. It’s only natural when we’re scolded for being wrong or failing a quiz. - What if schools and adults congratulated their children for being wrong and then shared with them the value in trying again... - Could you imagine how that would affect our youth and their success? - There’s value in making mistakes and failing. There’s value in facing a humbling experience. Personally, I have never met a successful person who’s never failed… a lot. - But the value doesn’t come from “failing” itself, the value comes from the reflection after the failure and the change in course of action. - If, after making a mistake, we continue on the same course, we repeat the mistake. - Einstein once shared, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and excepting a different result.” - Now, some folks are stubborn, hardheaded, don’t want to admit they’re wrong, so naturally, they continue to make

You learn a lot about people when they don't get what they want from you.

I may not know a lot about many things but I do know a lot about certain things. - After having dealt in big business and small business, trained many clients and business owners, spent countless hours in meetings and negotiations, I know enough to share on this topic. - And here’s what I’ve learned. In this life, Attitude is EVERYTHING. - More specifically your personal attitude to ward others, yourself, your situation and circumstances, all of the things you do and the stuff that’s not your fault but you still take responsibility for. - Everything. - A poor attitude hinders progress and never solves problems because it’s too busy pointing fingers instead of looking for solutions. - A poor attitude is one that gets nasty and mean and pouts when it doesn’t get its way. - A poor attitude is one that nobody of value wants to spend time around or even oblige. - A poor attitude destroys the person who holds it even if they don’t know it. - A good attitude? No matter how dull or bleak the s